Selasa, 24 April 2018

Voise is a decentralized platform for musicians and music lovers

Good night, my dear readers. Today I would like to share with you an overview of the decentralized platform created for musicians and all music connoisseurs. This platform is called Voise. Almost all of my previous reviews have been written on going ICO projects, but Voise is not attracting funds at the moment - it's a commercially held project that in a couple of months celebrates exactly one year from the date of its successful launch.

Useful references of the project

Official site -
Facebook group -
Twitter channel -
Telegram chat - / voisecom
Announcement on the forum -
Technical documentation on (White Paper) -

Platform overview

So, the decentralized platform Voise is a platform for musicians and music connoisseurs, created to eliminate mediators between musicians and listeners of their music. Eliminating intermediaries allows musicians to earn more. The secondary objective of the project is to combat piracy. With the help of blocking technology it is now easy to calculate a negligent attacker trying to merge the track into the network. If such a "bad" person is found, the site blocks him forever, along with all his committed purchases, as well as tokens kept in the Voise purse.

The problem of unknown musicians

It has long been no secret that musicians achieve great popularity and money not so much for their talents, but for cooperating with a well-known producer or producer label. In a singer or musician invest millions of dollars by spinning his songs in radios and broadcasting clips on music channels. There are many such artists, but much more than those musicians who are talented, but they simply can not find a producer or label with whom they would cooperate.
The whole problem of these musicians boils down to the lack of money that would help them survive. It often happens that a talented musician stops his career and does not become famous only because he can not support his family on the written tracks. Such musicians either drink or go to work in factories, factories and other places where they will be guaranteed to receive money for life.


As you probably already guessed, the solution of the unknown musician problem is solved by the Voise platform. Absolutely every musician can record his song or track, fill it with Voise platform, which, in turn, will record this work of art in blockade, mark the author of the track and add it (track) to the marketplace, from which anyone can already buy music for the platform tokens . The musician receives up to 100% of the reward from the sale of the track. At the same time, the platform took care of pricing, it sets the upper and lower lath of the cost of the track depending on the musician's rating, length and popularity of the track.
To "feel the taste" of the track, the musicians should fill in the platform in addition to the main track and its demo version so that users can listen to a short, thirty-second track, evaluate it and, if you like, buy it. 

Free music and donation collection

In addition to paid sales of their tracks, musicians can download them to the platform and do not charge users a single token. How can they earn money? Musicians can organize collection of donations for their existence or for their musical activity. Charges are also made in tokens. If the platform user liked the author's musical activity, he can donate him an arbitrary amount of money in Voise tokens.

Further development of the project

The Voise project is constantly moving forward. The road map is realized only by 20%. Ahead of the site there are many more events that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on its development. This and various advertising campaigns that help attract new users of the platform and various presentations at music venues and final payments to the holders of the tokens.
Until the end of 2018, the project team expects to implement a payment terminal in the platform, which will allow the platform to exchange money for the money to Voise and vice versa. This will undoubtedly positively affect the convenience of using an already simple and decentralized platform for musicians and music connoisseurs.
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