Jumat, 20 April 2018

ICO Shivom - The genome on the blockbuster! You can now get a reward for the DNA data.


The idea of ​​the Shivom project is to create a distributed database of people's DNA, using blocking technology.
Project Shivom plans to exploit one of the most serious tasks of mankind.

As you know, human health is about 25% dependent on heredity (except for the environment, lifestyle, level of medical care). Most of the factors that predetermine a person's heredity are "encrypted" in his DNA. But for today in the world there is no single DNA base, the more accessible to outside organizations.
This creates difficulties for organizations involved in the study of human genomes in order to prevent hereditary diseases and the development of means for their cure (medicines and medical procedures).
On the other hand, ordinary people do not see the point of analyzing their DNA because of the underdevelopment of personified means of medical care through DNA.

The Shivom project plans, firstly, to add a material incentive for people to undergo DNA analysis, as it will be possible to earn money by providing their DNA data to research, scientific and medical organizations. And secondly, to receive individual consultations and treatment courses with the help of Shivom.
Creation of the same (and the largest) DNA base will allow all interested organizations to access (pay) access to it and use the data for the benefit of humanity.

The technical implementation of the collection of genomes is quite simple: if a person has already undergone a previous DNA analysis, he can upload his data online. Otherwise, everything necessary for analysis will be sent by ordinary mail, after which the person will need to leave samples of saliva in a special container and send it back to the Shivom laboratory. After carrying out the DNA analysis, the data will be recorded in the block, and the person will have access to the receipt of this information and be able to dispose of it independently.

How can I use the collected DNA data?

Option 1: to conduct a study of the accumulated data for the search for a means of combating a huge number (more than 7,000 thousand) of very serious diseases, including cancer, AIDS, infectious and neurodegenerative diseases.

Option 2: receiving income from the provision of their own DNA for research work.

3 option: obtaining personal treatment designed to prevent diseases, the probability of which is high because of hereditary factors.

4 option: the use of a database by companies that are connected with the health care sphere indirectly: insurance companies, application developers and others.

ICO Details

The period of carrying out: from 16.04.2018 to 16.05.2018;
Name of the token: OmiX;
Total issue of tokens: 990,000,000 OmiX;
Cost: 7000 OMX per 1 ETH;
Currencies of participation: - ETN, MTC and the currency;
SoftCap: 15,000 ETH;
HardCap: 75,000 ETH.
More detailed information about the project can be found:

Official site
Bitcointalk ANN

Author (BTT username): idup

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