Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018



Biometrids a new platform built for ease. as well as a platform that can solve the identity problem on blockchain
The Biometrids Platform lets people unravel themselves with others who use facial recognition on their phones.
Using a distributed ledger that does not change, everyone in the series is unique. One face means one ID, and each unique ID. If you enter that circuit, you will never be able to manipulate that ID again or the ID. This will eliminate identity theft and fraud, as well as the users they will say.

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We use machine learning to ensure facial recognition. Even though your appearance may change over time, your facial contours will always stay the same. If a company or user needs to identify you, they can send a request for your Biometrids wallet. A request will pop up on your screen and you simply scan your face. This will validate your corporate identity or user.

We got the solution to solve the Identity problem on the blockchain. Today we face a common blockchain problem, with the identity. KYC, that they are forced to by the government. Therefore we need a decentralized identity, that can help solve this problem.

PRE-ICO 25 nov. 5,000,000 coins available
ICO 16 dec. 70,000,000 coins available.

Name of the token will be IDS. There will be a total of 100,000,000 IDS.

5% will be sold in pre-ICO.
5% will be for bounties and advisors.
70% will be sold doing the crowdsale.
10% will be for team.
10% will be for foundation.

Pre-ICO will run for one week and the price will be 910 IDS / 1eth. The crowdsale will run for four weeks and prices will be:

Week 1: 665 IDS / 1eth
Week 2: 550 IDS / 1eth
Week 3: 500 IDS / 1eth
Week 4: 450 IDS / 1eth

Pre-Ico and crowdsale will run until end date, or until all coins are sold. The 10% for team and the 10% for foundation will be locked up for three years. Every unsold coin during the ICO will be locked for five years. After five years, they will be sold back to early investors in a private fundraising campaign. They will not be sold on exchanges


Founder and Ceo

Business Developer and Prtnership

Marketing Manager

Ethereum Developer

Graphic Designer

Algorithm and full stakes Developer


author : idup

EQUI Transformasi Modal Ventura


Pasar adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak jenis sistem, institusi, prosedur, hubungan sosial dan infrastruktur dimana pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pertukaran. Walaupun partai-partai dapat bertukar barang dan jasa dengan barter, sebagian besar pasar bergantung pada penjual yang menawarkan barang atau jasa mereka termasuk tenaga kerja dengan imbalan uang dari pembeli. Bisa dikatakan bahwa pasar adalah proses dimana harga barang dan jasa ditetapkan. Rumah kaca memfasilitasi perdagangan dan memungkinkan distribusi dan alokasi sumber daya dalam masyarakat.
Modal ventura adalah jenis ekuitas swasta, suatu bentuk pembiayaan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan atau dana ke kecil, tahap awal, perusahaan baru yang dianggap memiliki potensi pertumbuhan tinggi atau yang telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Perusahaan modal ventura atau dana investasinya pada perusahaan tahap awal ini dengan imbalan ekuitas atau kepemilikan saham, di perusahaan tempat mereka berinvestasi. Pialang modal mengambil risiko membiayai usaha kecil yang beresiko dengan harapan beberapa perusahaan yang mereka dukung akan menjadi sukses. Start-up biasanya didasarkan pada teknologi inovatif atau model bisnis dan biasanya dari industri teknologi tinggi, seperti teknologi informasi, teknologi bersih atau bioteknologi.
EQUI adalah penyatuan kriptocurrency baru yang menarik dengan platform investasi yang inovatif, yang dibangun di atas teknologi Ethereal Blockchain, EQUI mengganggu pasar investasi usaha tradisional dan memberdayakan komunitas kripto untuk bergabung dengan generasi investor modal ventura berikutnya. Mengadopsi EQUItokens, investor akan dapat untuk membeli saham di perusahaan kewirausahaan yang baru muncul dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari hasil investasi dan penghargaan yang besar.
EQUI akan menjadi sumber peluang investasi terbaik dalam aset dunia nyata, perusahaan teknologi generasi berikutnya dan usaha dengan kemampuan merevolusi pasar.EQUI akan memenangkan inovator dan mendukungnya dengan memberikan pengetahuan, bimbingan, dan wawasan bisnis yang luas agar usaha mereka berkembang. Situs web resmi
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Blockchain ini dan menggabungkannya dengan model investasi modal ventura tradisional, EQUI adalah penawaran unik yang akan mengganggu pemikiran konvensional di ruang ini. Dikendalikan oleh dewan pengusaha sukses dan visioner, EQUI memanfaatkan jaringan global yang luas untuk mengidentifikasi pelopor inovatif. dan usaha yang mengasyikkan yang akan unggul dari suntikan bukan hanya keahlian keuangan tapi juga keahlian operasional dan strategis. Visi kami akan disampaikan melalui platform investasi EQUI. Platform ini akan menampilkan peluang yang dievaluasi agar investor dapat berpartisipasi dalam generasi penerus perusahaan yang sukses.

Proposisi EQUI menawarkan fleksibilitas dan kontrol bagi para pelaku dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi, EQUItokens dapat dibeli karena berbagai alasan: 
1. Investor: adalah peserta yang melakukan EQUItokens terhadap peluang di platform EQUI. Tingkat komitmen sepenuhnya fleksibel dan ditentukan oleh selera investor dalam sebuah proyek tertentu. Investor akan menerima 70% (pro rata) dari keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari proyek yang mereka investasikan. 
2. Pemegang: Pemegang adalah peserta yang memilih untuk memegang token mereka di platform EQUI tanpa melakukan untuk proyek. Pemegang menerima 5% (pro rata) dari keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari proyek. 
3.Trader: Pedagang adalah peserta yang memilih untuk menghapus token mereka dari platform EQUI dan hanya mendapatkan keuntungan dari peningkatan harga token.
Ringkasan Strategi & Pengembalian Investasi

EQUIcredits merupakan bagian dari struktur penghargaan Investor. Investor yang melakukan EQUItokens untuk proyek-proyek di Platform EQUI akan berpartisipasi dalam skema loyalitas EQUIcredits. Alokasi EQUIcredits setara dengan 5% peserta yang menginvestasikan EQUItokens.EQUIcredits yang diberikan akan dikonversi menjadi EQUItokens pada akhir setiap tahun dan dipindahkan ke dompet EQUI. Generasi EQUIcredits berasal dari kenaikan tahunan sebesar 5% dalam persediaan EQUItoken secara keseluruhan. 
Pra-Penjualan: 1 Maret 2018 - 8 Maret 2018 + 25% Bonus 
ICO Publik: 
8 Maret 2018 - 15 Maret 2018 + 15% Bonus 
15 Maret 2018 - 22 Maret 2018 + Bonus 5% 
22 Maret 2018 - 31 Maret 2018 0% Bonus (No Bonus) 
Token Nama: EQUI 
ICO Open: 1 Maret 2018 
Token Suply: 250million
Token Harga: $ 0,50 
Pembayaran yang diterima untuk presale adalah USD, GBP, EUR dan Bitcoins. 
Di ICO publik, EQUI hanya bisa dibeli dengan Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoins and Ripple. Dasar kripto yang akan digunakan adalah Ethereum. Kripto yang lain akan ditukar melalui API Shapeshift. Penggunaan 
Token Distribution 
of Proceeds

Jika Anda ingin berpartisipasi

Akun Saya BTT:;u=1826813


Platform for Smart Smart Contracts

Pycoin is a privacy that maintains a zero-based decentralization platform for writing, testing and implementing mathematically verifiable smart contracts in Python that behave the way they want. Unlike Ethereal's smart contracts with recurring hacking histories and stolen funds, hundreds of millions of dollars, Pycoin ensures that no time errors or intentional / accidental bugs can be used as an exploit to steal corrupt funds and Pycoin's smart contracts. Pycoin can also be used as a platform to launch a number of next-generation decentralization applications such as scalable desentralized exchange (DEXs), automatic hedge funds and darkpools.
Pycoin uses simplicity, newly typed combinations, language combinations, functional without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currency applications and blocking applications as target languages ​​and Python, a very popular and versatile high-level programming language as the source. .
Simplicity was released recently by Blockstream, an influential decentralized enterprise development application. Due to Turing's incompleteness, its simplicity is in accordance with static analysis that can be used to obtain the upper limit of computational resources required, prior to execution. While Turing is incomplete, simplicity can express every final function, which we believe is sufficient to build "smart contracts" useful for decentralized blockchain and barrier-free applications.
Pycoin will bind to DexOs which is a model blockchain algorithm that can not be mapped further and is based on the OrchOr architecture. Pycoin is simultaneously placed in DAG Based on blockchainfree network, Networks branched from XRB (Nano / Raiblocks), cryptocurrency without DAG based cables.
Bridge SyncBridge interconnector with the code name "SyncBridge" will be implemented for interaction between this DAG-based network and realtime blockchain network by running secure smart smart contract in Pycoin (Metacontract).
Phase 1-Testnet one-autumn 2018 
Stage 2 - Testnet two winter 2018 
Phase 3-Security Audit and Spring-Voltage Test 2019 
The 4-phase Mainnet launch consists of synchronized DOS binary DAG network (XRB / Nano branched) and Blockchain which can not be solved in realtime DexOS-summer 2019 
Stage 5-launch Backbone (codenamed ASB Alternative space Freedom) consisting of multiple mini and nano-statel sheets with router-based and distributed distributed transceivers to build alternative planetary infrastructure in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and High Earth Orbit (HEO range -out of all major anti-satellite missiles-ASATS large armed nuclear states) to peer / scout / miner users and data storage applications and cryptocurrencies - between Winter 2019 and summer 2022

Token Supply and Monetary Policy: 
Total coins planned to be launched: 62,000,000,001 
Maximum Supply (Hardcap): 
Reserved for developers and implementing teams  : 9,000,000  Creator-  Owned 
Bounty: 2,000,000,000 
Owned Controlled Emissions (calibrated minting) to reward fellow users random-to-peer-validator payments: 26,000,000, 001 
 Limited Supply, with the amount set by the token sale.

Allocation of events to fund the creation, development, dissemination and appreciation. 
Related Article: Pycoin: Knowledge-Based Platform

DATUM-Great Project With Safe Storage 
hello my friends all .. today i want to explain ...

DARICO: Ideal Gates For Crypto Investors! 
Darico is an easy access gate ideal for inve ... 
Powered by useful services and apps: Requests for Pycoin-powered apps for example keep hidden crypto privacy and hidden global hypertension payment systems, measurable game infrastructure, unmanned DEX, large-scale Debt Federation, financial assets and highly toxic derivative contracts, dark crypto chamber and automatic hedging funds

Pycoin Mainnet will have three participant classes; some of which are members of more than one class:
1. Community-Users
2. Selected Law Enforcement Executive at random
They will be selected by utilizing the transaction validation mechanisms that underlie DexOS and DAG networks on a regular basis.
3. Lawmakers-Developers and Infrastructure Providers
Although currently being developed by the Kohomology Laboratory and other distributed contributors who work as a core team of developers, the decentralized governance model of Pycoin Mainnet is designed to provide a fair and empowering voice for all Pycoin stakeholders including Pyco's validator users
The most important DSDM of Pycoin makes it the world's first decentralized network and the protocol is modeled on Adaptive Dynamical System-CADS that is adaptive. The evolutionary nature of life on planet Earth that appears following this CADS system. Actually we humans and our society / civilization can be categorized as CADS. Each dynamic dynamics-based system that interacts with its environment (friendly, neutral or hostile) is strategically and tactically to expand its existence and ensure its long-term survival and growth can be labeled CADS.
The complex adaptive dynamic system approach to strategic planning is built on organizational learning methods while emphasizing decision-making decisions, mission and value based on decisions, fostering relationships and communication systems, symbiotic relationships and continuing to build possibilities that contribute to organizing and decentralizing organizational resilience. in an immediate and distant environment.
The main fact here is that the vision of a near or distant future and the strategic plan itself is not a blueprint for the future state, but a way to prepare an organization to pay more attention to the changes and the constant possibilities that occur in the present. .
Therefore, the CADS-inspired DSDM from Pycoin Mainnet will make it all recursive or untreatable including early regulation and DSDM mechanisms to deal with unexpected and uncertain events as well as radical changes occurring in the external and internal environment.
This will ensure Pycoin survives and grows even hundreds and thousands of years from now in one form or another that eventually evolves into exponential monetary and financial metasystems that grow exponentially for interplanetary and interbian futuristic civilizations.
For more information, please visit:



We all use social media on a daily basis, connecting with people and talking to our friends. But we are long past the time when that was all there was to it. Now we use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and many many other media in order to also share ideas, spread information, advertise businesses and in that sense social networks have become a huge part of our lives. A lot of us even use it for school, university and work so it is quite normal that all of our information is there, all of our photos and data.
The problem is that we are not really sure if that data is actually secure. And let me tell you here and now- It is not. All social media are major corporations that take your data and profit off of it, using it as a means for other major corporations to advertise their products. The issue is that some of the information in your profiles, even the one you thought was restricted is sold by the social media. Your history is tracked and “magically” you get ads for the exact things that you were browsing just some minutes ago.
And the way that info got out there is by it being sold. How do you think there are constant updates made and new innovations to the social media all the time? It most certainly is not because they are non-profit pages that just want to connect you with your friends and family.

Sphere is a decentralized social network that believes that your data is yours and only yours and you should be able to control where it goes and if it should be shared or not. The company aims at the fair distribution of the profit that is made if you decided that your personal data is to be visible and useable. The platform restricts ads and if advertisers want to get through to your information, they will have to pay for that.
Sphere is also a great innovation for the companies that end up buying the services of the advertisers. They take serious amounts of money from the companies that want to advertise their products by promising that they will reach the end customer and do their job properly. However, we all know that ads are a nuisance that we mostly try to get rid of and very rarely we actually click or view any of them which becomes a major loss for the corporation.

Sphere makes sure that the consumers will directly see the advertised product and the seller will be able to get it to the consumer without any mediators. In that way selling and buying is made much more accessible and your data remains untouched as you only see what you are interested in and annoying ads are out of the way. Control, profit and privacy are put right back into your own hands.
The company has also launched their own utility token called the Social Activity Token (SAT). Tokens can be used to complete transactions within the social network. The tokens are made in such a way that the process will be both transparent and secure.
This amazing, innovative network has developed a plan that puts the users and the token holders first. The cutting edge technology that is used allows for a cloud server environment that is completely safeguarded. This is how the users that are within the ecosystem are ensured a better experience and improved customer support. Sphere network does not partner with any banking institutions and does not require ID verification so this makes it possible for the users to make global transactions anonymously.

One more thing that is quite special about Sphere is that unlike most ICOs, this one has an already established product. The company’s app can currently be found in the Apple App Store and on the Google Play Store. The app is very easy to use and made in a way that is entirely user-friendly. In order to create an account, you simply need to fill in your email, name, and date of birth.
The app wants to help you use it and so it immediately starts connecting you with people, shows you how many of them are interested in the same thing that you are interested in and allows you to browse a very detailed database of pictures and news on a variety of different topics that you can later explore in the “Groups” menu. And here comes the direct connection between sellers and consumers- through the “Market” you can browse and buy products by either other Sphere Social users or by companies. The mediation is removed and the advertised product is guaranteed to reach the end customer which reduces the cost for corporations.

This program was exclusively created so that you will be able to spread the word about Sphere. Of course, that will be done in such a way that you will also earn some. For every person that was referred by you that ends up purchasing SAT, you will get a 20% commission. To be able to be part of the program you will need to register and when you do that you will get your affiliate link that you will be able to share.
Then someone clicks on it and once they register for the crowd sale they will automatically be assigned to you. Said friend or relative contributes to the project and you get your commission. This allows for Sphere to spread their innovative idea through its users and they get awarded for that and this is exactly what I mean when I say that the company makes sure that you get the deserved profit and this is exactly what happens when you actually use the Sphere Network.

Sphere wants to make its users feel even more special and that is why they are giving away 12 free Trezor Wallets that will be at 200 dollars of value each. There are a few steps that you need to go through to be able to apply for the chance to win the wallet. You will need to sign up at and join sphere’s telegram Then simply invite 3 new users and fill in a google response form. Winners will be chosen at random at the end of each round.
I found this offer quite interesting and went to take a look at the Trezor Wallet myself. So I must admit that it is quite impressive. It is said to be the most trusted and secure way to store your bitcoins and reduce the risk factor to 0%. That is nothing short of amazing so the opportunity that Sphere is providing for its users is very generous.

Sphere is quite popular on Facebook. It has a following of 10 488 people and over 9 400 likes. If you scroll down on their wall you will find that people are happy with the project and really like what the team has done so far. Sphere’s page provides daily updates and a lot of useful information. There is also a post about the wallet giveaway. The situation is more or less the same with the platform’s Twitter page. Both are strictly professional and answer any and all questions that the users might have.
I really like the Instagram page in particular though because it has a lot of images that provide instructions, info, charts and curious facts that are connected to Sphere. There the following is not that impressive but I would have to say it is my favorite. There is also one more page that you can check out- YouTube. The Sphere channel only has two videos at this current time but the subscribers are growing and I am sure they will be uploading a lot more in the future. The two videos are quite informative and give you the gist of what Sphere is all about.

Much like the knights at the round table, Sphere has an amazing team that works together as equals to be able to move the project forward in the name of their users. They are all experienced professionals that give their very best and put the people’s interests first. They are all the masterminds behind this amazing project that has actually created the “digital revolution”. Let’s take a look at some of them.
First of all I need to introduce the Chief Executive Officer of the company- Andrew Khong. His role is, of course, a very important one and carries a lot of weight. This amazing person is responsible for developing and carrying out the executive strategy of Sphere Social. He is also the founder that had the initial idea and belief that privacy, transparency, and security should be at the core of every social platform. This belief is shared by all the rest of the team and that is what makes this platform special, innovative and is built for the pure purpose of serving the needs of the users.
Among the core team are Andy Fuhr, Robert Tomkins, Tamara Petrusevska and a few other people as well. The ones that I mentioned have duties as follows- Experienced System Engineer, Tech Project Manager, and Social Media Manager. And these are only a few of the important persons that do their best for Sphere.

As it is with most ICO, this one also has a roadmap because the company wants to show you how much they have achieved since the time their project was launched and want to make sure that you see that they will keep working towards improvement. This is exactly what Sphere have done and quite frankly it is not lacking in ambition. There are good things coming in the future for the team and for the users that will make for even more security that will allow for safety when using the Sphere Social Network. I really can’t wait to see them achieve all of the goals that they have set for themselves and I have no doubt that they will achieve them.
The website is made to look very professional and when you are scrolling down you see not only images but synthesized information about the app and the overall purposes of the project. I like that there is a specific video that explains the uses of the app and how it works. The website is easy to use as it provides simple access to the whitepaper, the ICO details and the Affiliate program. As I have mentioned many times before the website is often times the first point of contact between the end user and the company, so it is very important for it to be informative but not over informative and made in a way that it will inspire confidence. I would say that Sphere has done a very good job on that end.
Also, the page is available in a number of different languages which makes it even more accessible to the public.

The whitepaper is written very well and in a simple way that is easy to read. Basically, it gives you all of the important information without adding any unnecessary details that might confuse you. There are charts that explain what is written and make sure you understand the point and aim of the platform. There is a detailed description of the ICO, the app and how you can use the SAT tokens. One thing that is missing that I would like them to add is a more detailed piece on all of the team members. There are links to all their LinkedIn profiles but it would be nice to read about them objectively in the whitepaper. Otherwise, this is a job well done.
The whitepaper is also available in Korean as well as in English and additional languages are always a plus if you ask me.

As I mentioned before, the name of Sphere’s token is Social Activity Token and it corresponds to the symbol SAT. The standard for it is ERC20and it can be used for purchasing goods and services on the social media platform. The total supply of tokens is the amazing number of 1 000 000 000 SAT and from them, 650 000 000 will be available for sale. All of the unsold tokens will be destroyed.
The starting date of the sale was on 12th of February 2018 and it will continue until the 9th of April 2018. The cost of a single SAT is $0.14 dollars. The soft cap is set at 1.5 million dollars and hard cap is set at 40 million. The accepted currencies are ETH, BTC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Fiat.
The distribution of the tokens will be as follows: 65% will be available for sale through the ICO. 1% will be allocated to the team and advisory staff while 17% will go into social network development. Another 9% will be reserved for the company.
The ICO has been separated into 4 rounds. During the first round, there was 45% bonus SAT. Also, if a user is buying between 2 000 and 19 999 SAT there will be a 50% bonus and basically the more you buy the bigger bonus you will get. The bonuses decrease with each round where at the last round there will be 15% bonus SAT and the maximum bonus that you can get at this stage will be 30%.

This is a platform that is looking for the user’s best interests and is working to create security of personal information. Sphere is trying to provide the social media users the freedom of being responsible for being responsible for the data they upload and have more control over who sees it and who uses it. I believe this is the only ICO so far that I have seen that already has a product that they can offer. The Sphere Network app really makes things extremely user-friendly and provides you not only with security but also with connections and information that you might need.
Sphere Social is a very adequate and professional project that is focused on helping people take the internet back into their own hands and that is something that I strongly vouch for.

Based on the ICO team’s discretion, I might receive a reward for this article. I am not paid in advance for writing it. All opinions are mine.

Sphere's Website:
My Username:idup

PHI Token: Hibrit Yatırım Platformu

PHI Token: Hibrit Yatırım Platformu

PHI token Nedir?
Şirket, PHI tokenının çıkarılması için para oluşturma etkinliğini organize etti. Varlığını sürdüre bilmek için finansal hizmetlerin modern bir dağıtım modelini mevcut finansal seçenekler üzerinde devrim yarattılar. Satın alma veya satma ile ilgili menkul kıymetlerle ilgili ipuçlarından, büyük haber bültenlerine kadar pek çok yerden, her bireyin veya müşterinin ihtiyaçlarını dijital varlıkları ve yatırımlarının yönetimine danışmanlık hizmeti vermek istiyor.
Yatırım araçları yatırım ve Sicavlar (değişken sermaye yatırım şirketleri), AIF veya PIF gibi alternatif fonlar veya örneğin hisse senedi veya menkul kıymetler İlişkileri ile ilgili yatırım araçları gibi farklı görünür.
Dijitalleştirme ve bastırma maliyetleri ile ticari bir hizmetin tedarikini azalttığından, diğer araçların ve kripto varlıklarının yatırımına izin verdiğinizden emin olun ve finansal varlıklarla yönetim arasındaki ilişkileri değerlendirmek için bir konteyner platformu oluşturun Yatırımcılar için mükemmel olan o zamanlar Partners LTD. ilaçları, tüm varlık sınıfları ve kripto varlıkları da dahil olmak üzere yatırım araçlarına yatırım yapılmasını sağlayan Hybrid (PHI) için ilk Platformu amaçlamaktadır amaçları ise tüm tasarruflarınız ve işlemlerinizle başa çıkmak için müşterilere tamamen dijital bir platform sunmaktır.
Bununla birlikte, varlık yönetim şekli, gerçek temel müşterideki ihtiyaçları belirleme ve finansal hatalardan kaçınmak için duygularını yönetme konusunda bir rol oynamaya sevk eder. PHI platformu, Hibrit Yatırımlar için Hibrid Platform, diğer bir deyişle, müşteri etkileşimi için profesyonel deneyim için dijital süreç yönetimi sağlıklı görünüyor.
Tamamen dijital platform videolar haline gelecektir. Bu projenin, iş modelinde kesinlikle yenilikçi olmasından dolayı, bazı Banka Mevduatlarına tamamen açık olarak, bazı varlık yöneticileri ve bu nedenle farklı yönetim tarzları, danışman finansmanları, dünyanın her yerinden neredeyse finansal araçlar, Sadece özel müşterilerin ve tüketicilerin isteklerini tatmin edebilecek 360 derece bir platform, ayrıca HNWI müşterilerinin varlıklarını çeşitlendirerek, farklı varlık yöneticileri ile ilgili olarak çok rekabetçi görünüyor ve düşük fiyatlara sahip olmalarını sağlıyor.
Blok Zinciri Teknolojisinin PHI İçin Önemi
Finansta saydamlık: Finans sektörü için en önemli noktalardan biri saydamlıktır, özellikle yeni yükselen markalar için. İşlem aşamaları, fiyatlar ve metodolojiler potansiyel müşterilerin güvenini kazanmak için erişilebilir ve saydam olmalılardır. Bu güven ortamını ve saydamlığı sağlayabilmek için, ICO Blok-zinciri teknolojisini kullanacaktır. Bunun sayesinde müşteri kapasiteside artma olacaktır.


Çalışma Sistemi

Üç PHI Fonksiyonu Tokenları şunlardır:
PHIToken, Share (Paylaş) olarak işlev görür: Platform bileşenini ücretsiz kullanmak isteyen herkesin (tüm varlık yöneticileri, finansal planlamacılar ve yatırımcılar) PHIToken'e sahip olması ve devre dışı bırakması gerekir.
Ödeme olarak PHIToken: Hibrid yatırım platformu ve gelişmiş finansal yazılımlar,% 30 nakit sunan PHITöken'de ödeme alacak ve böylece insanları Token için ödemeye teşvik edecektir.
PHIToken Satış ve Dengesi: Performans maliyetinin% 15'i platform tarafından oluşturulur ve Malta'daki vergi ödemelerinden kaynaklanan yıllık vergi iadelerinin% 50'si (EBIDTA şirketlerinin% 15'ine karşılık gelir) PHIToken'i satın almak için kullanılır ve Zaman içinde sürekli büyümeye yol açacak bir kıtlık etkisi yaratana kadar elimine edilir.
PHI platformu ayrıca aşağıdaki nedenlerle endüstrinin kritik mülkiyet yönetimi sorununu çözecek:
a. Dijitalleşme yoluyla ticari tedarik zincirini azaltır ve yatırım hizmetleri sunmanın maliyetini düşürür. Harika bir yatırım fırsatı olan Crypto Assets dahil olmak üzere çeşitli araçlara yatırım yapabilirsiniz. Varlık Yöneticileri ve Zenginlik Yöneticileri arasında rekabeti teşvik ederek ve dolayısıyla müşteriler için daha iyi getiri elde etmek suretiyle bir karşılaştırma oluşturacaktır.
b. PHIToken Şirketi, PHI tokenını yayınlamak için Token Generation Event'i düzenledi ve akışını gerçekten devrimden geçiren yeni bir finansal hizmet dağıtımı ve Servet Yönetimi modeli yaratmak istiyordu. Finansal hizmetler, satın alınacak veya satılacak olan menkul kıymetlere ilişkin ipuçlarıyla anonim ve büyük bültenlerden, analiz ve finansal araçların karşılaştırılması için çevrimiçi platformlardan, bireysel müşteri ihtiyaçlarına göre özel danışmanlık hizmetlerine kadar çeşitli şekillerde sunulabilir. Tek tek yönetilen bir hesap veya yönetilen bir ortak hesap aracılığıyla yönetim yatırım varlıklarına genişletilmiş hizmetler, bir omnibus hesabı denir.

Neden PHI?
Güvenli Yatırım Fikirleri: Yatırımcılarımızın sonuçları blok zincirde depolanır. Bu, sonuçların tamamen güvenli olduğu ve herhangi bir şekilde manipüle edilemeyeceği anlamına gelir. Robo danışmanları sayesinde karlarımız artacaktır.
Fon Güvenliği: Tüm işlemler, Robo Consultant'ın analizinden geçer ve hile ve dolandırıcılığı önler. Yani para kaybetme riski en aza indirgenir. Hedeflenmeyen bir projede yatırım riskiniz azalır bunlara daynarakta güvenlik en üst seviyededir.
Sistem Kayıtları: Oluşturulan süreç doğrudan sisteme kayıt edilir ve işlem sisteme kaydedildikten sonra değiştirilemez. Belgenin erişilebilirliği sayesinde, herkes belgeye bir blok zincirden erişebilir.


Token Hakkında
PHI Tokeni: PHI
Toplam teklif: 24,157,817,00 PHI
Soft Cap: 1.000.000 $
Hard Cap: 14,930,352 PHI
Erken Yatırım: 3 Mart 2018
Etkinlik Simgesi Üretimi (TGE) üç aşamada gerçekleşir:
Avans Satışları: 3.524.578 tokenin maksimum değeri.
Ön-ICO: maksimum %21 indirim ile maksimum 3,524,578 token.
ICO: 7,881,196 tokenin maksimum sayısı mevcut olacak.

Yol Haritası




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