Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

Varyon ICO

The artificial island project has been on the beaches of Dubai since decades ago. It sells more than 50 islands for its codes, and event sales are made by a small number of high-class or celebrities (including Hollywood actors),
but the Blue Frontier is not simply aiming to make islands, We have built a paradigm that completely reverses architecture and lifestyle.

About Varyon After

visiting French Polynesia several times and learning about the environment and local circumstances, one thing is certain that the project must be environmentally friendly . To achieve this, local environmental characteristics, climate, ecological and cultural contexts are all studied and played an important role in the process. Our French Polynesian team members confirmed that the cultural context studied and used as inspiration and guidance was interpreted in the right way.

To protect ecological well-being, the first Environmental Assessment Framework for floating development was developed. This framework focuses on environmental integration of floating structures and expresses interest in local ecosystem health throughout the project's lifecycle, from conceptual design to construction and operation. Design guidelines derived from this framework are used throughout the design process.
But the project does not want to undermine the existing environment, and Blue Frontiers' vision is: to promote the development of conscious and well-balanced settlements in the waters of humans.
We can coexist peacefully with the environment. Coexistence with the ecosystem focuses on water and water design to create habitats for marine life. Coexistence between humans presents various possibilities for analyzing and solving various lifestyles

In order to achieve this highly ambitious goal, the expertise of biomimetic research has spread. By working closely together, you can leverage your existing knowledge very quickly and develop new knowledge.
Since design is still an exploratory and conceptual step, the size and shape of the elements can vary slightly.


This project is inspired by a rich Polynesian culture, such as traditional navigation based on observation and knowledge of natural elements. The whole shape reflected the patterns of fish rings, ancestral tools that symbolize the action of the bamboo Maui, and the next time we find a new land.

Traditional navigation landmarks are reviewed for design concepts such as hills and mountains, coral reefs and underwater terrain for coastal voyages, as well as swell patterns of celestial bodies and oceans, rising and setting of the sun and moon.

Using traditional navigation as an inspiration, the small platform with villas is aligned to the path of one of Tahiti, the star Sirius (Rua faupapa). The larger platforms with mixed-use buildings are aligned to the celestial columns (Pou) starting with the main platform "Ta'urua" and ending with the guide star ('Avei'a), and the peak of the floating island.
The landscape of a multi-purpose building with a green roof was inspired by many legends about a mysterious floating island that appears at a long distance.

Other elements of navigation are considered in urban planning. The large plate form is oriented in the direction of the wind, which makes the waves quieter.

The project aims to include Polynesian culture in the design and refinement of buildings and other structures. Hyundai E & C's technology and materials are in harmony with modern technology, meeting modern needs while maintaining continuity with tradition.


Waste consists of a large number of substances.
Most of these materials can be reused. An average of 35% is organic, and is converted to gas and fertilizer using a digester. Materials such as paper, metal, glass and plastic are suitable for recycling (about 45% of the total). Wood, leather, rubber and fabric (approx. 15%) are suitable for cycling on new products. Clothes and shoes can be sold at used stores.

Small hazardous wastes such as batteries (0.2%) are treated with utmost care. Materials that can not be recycled can be incinerated or recycled for a long time at a professional factory.
You can attract entrepreneurs who want to participate in up-cycle and recycling projects that can reuse materials in a wider area as well as in a flexible project.


The main energy source is the sun and supplies electricity for a variety of purposes such as lighting, refrigeration, washing, food preparation, wastewater purification, and pumping. The plan on page 10 shows this expected distribution of
electricity use. Solar power is harvested by hybrid solar panels. In this type of panel, the PV cells are cooled to increase efficiency and hot water is generated at the same time. Covering about 20% of the development footprint with solar panels to meet the needs of the entire floating island project. One of the challenges
Electricity is storage. In the short term, a Tesla Powerwall or similar system is used to store electricity. Other possibilities are being discussed, such as storing energy in biofuels and compressed air.

The heat extracted by cooling the cold and warm solar panels is used for tap water, shower and bath heating, hot-filled washing machines and high-temperature dishwashers (much more efficient energy than regular products). This
causes energy loss due to heating energy. Room cooling is done primarily by natural ventilation and space is designed in a way that minimizes heat generation. However, there may be other demands for cooling. You
can use a higher cooling dehumidifier and the last solution is to meet demand with air conditioning. In the long term, additional cooling can be provided by systems such as seawater air conditioning (SWAC).

rainwater is collected and stored on the island and purified to provide clean water (drinking, showering, washing dishes, cooking, etc.).

Wastewater from the shower and tap water (gray water) are collected, filtered and used for washing and irrigation. Water from the toilet is filtered by natural filtration systems such as helophytes and algae. Prevent excessive nutrients.
At discharge. Water treatment complies with higher standards compared to current French Polynesia or Marpol (MARPOL) in order to minimize the environmental impact. The water cycle is shown in the plan on page 11. The assessment of the average scenario shows that there is more than enough rainwater to provide all the objectives.


One of the biggest attractions in French Polynesia is the beautiful and abundant ecology of islands and water. This ecology takes an important place in the design process. It starts at the positioning stage. A depth of at least 20 meters is used here as a guide. Because sunlight penetrates into the water and ideally prevents permanent shading.
The materials used can have a negative impact on the environment at several levels. The concrete used in this project will be imported, and most superstructures will be built on local timber species. Do not use contact materials or harmful effluents.

The production of floating structures and the installation of mooring systems are extremely limited in the occurrence of underwater noises and concrete measures will be taken to reduce them when noise is generated. We will also pay attention to the operational phases of the project. From visitors to residents, everyone in the project will be aware of the delicate ecosystem. Waste or nutrient effluent is not dumped into the water. The attached EIA document details design guidelines. The illustrations on page 7 show sections where some design guidelines are implemented.


The presale is available today for the first 4,000 ETH with bonuses from 5% to 15%.

The public sale will take place in June. There will not be bonuses in the public sale.

1 ETH = 14,750 VAR


Public sale


Blue Frontiers seed funders

Blue Frontiers team

Seastead/SeaZone Construction, Development, Administration
The amount of Varyon (VAR) allotted to seastead/SeaZone Construction, Development, Administration is inversely correlated with the amount purchased in the public sale. That is, the more Varyon (VAR) sold in the public sale, the less Varyon (VAR) held for seastead/SeaZone Construction, Development, Administration.

Blue Frontiers plans to prototype the first seastead with funds raised from the Varyon (VAR) Crowdsale, and to fund additional seasteads through sales. The Varyon (VAR) Blue Frontiers holds for seastead and SeaZone Construction, Development, and Administration will be used only as needed, in order to create seasteads and SeaZones and to strengthen the ecosystem of products and services available to Varyon (VAR) holders.

4,000 ETH
Soft cap

22,000 ETH
Hard cap

More info:

ANN thread
BTT profile:;u=1826813
ETH: 0x162b4862c2Aa74eB272974EdF91B754a57A5f01e

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