Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

Uchit-block system - a project for wide communication

The Internet quickly broke into our lives and changed it. He gave us the opportunity to learn additionally, buy in online stores, watch any movie, look for work, but most importantly, he gave us a new form of communication. The Internet has given new forms and qualities to the dialogue, such as: voluntariness, when we ourselves choose our interlocutor; anonymity, using which you can operate with false data and try on someone else's image and play a different life, different from reality. The emergence of various channels and communication servers, such as Skype and Telegrams, and all known social networks that specialize in interests and activities, forces the user to produce countless registrations in order to use them all. This creates a problem, so the possible loss of passwords makes it difficult to re-enter your account or even lose it. It is also well known that, if necessary, government agencies have access to users of social networks. Solve all these problems became possible with the advent of technology blockade and the market of crypto-currencies, which has firmly entered already into other areas of our lives. And a new projectUchit offers its forms and methods of communication. Consider them.

What is Uchit

Uchit is a decentralized platform for blocking technology, with which users will quickly find the people they need to conduct common business, communicate, they can transfer files of various formats, conduct training programs using multimedia. And all this will be available to you from anywhere in the world and only with the permission of the owner of the information. The team has developed a reliable and secure communication environment in collaboration with the leading manufacturer of video games CRASS Infotech, which will give great opportunities for organizing your business, personal growth and simply communicating with your friends. 

The essence of the platform and its capabilities

Uchit is a peer-to-peer distributed platform P2P that guarantees transparency, reliability and security when users interact with each other. The technology of blocking, in the project for processing transactions is used by Ethereum, it allows direct communication, without intermediary. People choose their partner on their own, according to their desires and requests, which is facilitated by the principle of decentralized organization of the platform and its encryption when making requests. The developers proposed innovative mechanisms in this platform, previously not used in existing services for professional and personal communication: joint viewing and use of files, video and audio chats, web seminars and other various tools offering joint activities.
As a result, Uchit helps to solve the problems of communication of the following groups of our society and to run its business safely:
  • communication of ordinary users within the family and their society;
  • communication in a professional corporate environment in terms of interests, such as creativity, pedagogy, art, music, and others;
  • communication of users in the environment of finance and investment;
  • use by organizations for their corporate interests;
  • the ability of any site to integrate API to improve the conditions for communication of its users.

Development team

Road map


The UCHT token will be the primary mechanism for interaction and payment within the platform when making transactions that are an expression of a collective community.
  • Name of the token: UCHT
  • Standard token: ERC-20 platform Ethereum
  • Soft Cap: $ 5,000,000
  • Hard Drip: $ 50,000,000
  • Price per click: 1 ETH = 4500 UCHT
  • Dates of the main stage of sales: from June 1 to June 30.
The distribution of tokens is as follows:
  • 65% - on sales to the community,
  • 10% - on the founders and the project team, 
  • 8% for the reserve, 
  • 8% - on the advisers, 
  • 6% - on the partners of the project, 
  • 2% - for promotion  
  • 1% - on the bounty company.
Distribution of received funds:
To participate in the ICO, click on the link .


Now that the reliability, confidentiality and speed of the transferred files play a big role in the mass media, the presented project is interesting with its suggestions and innovations for potential investors and users. The use of crypto currency in the project extends the boundaries of communication and puts it on the level of obtaining additional earnings, which is very important in our time. Therefore, the project has all chances to become popular and profitable. We wish him that.  
Get more information about the project you can follow:

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