Senin, 18 Juni 2018


The advent of blockchain has increased the demand of decentralised applications in every sector and industry. There are several new applications coming in from various decentralised organisations serving with seamless products and services to make everyone’s life easier and secure.

Almost every organisation from every sector now is looking forward to creating a decentralised application for themselves. This is where eInc comes in. An easier, one stop shop to creating and managing your decentralised applications which is backed by the most advanced technology of Blockchain. The organisations on eInc are borderless and serve globally without any hassles.

Roadblocks for success of organisations

With more than 300 million entrepreneurs launching 150 million startups on a global level there are many failures that tend to shut the organisations down. The reason being insufficient finances and funds as most of the startups do not have the capital to sustain the business.

The second roadblock is the various compliances of different country which creates friction when the business or the organisation is looking to expand. This even includes the heavy legal fees, high transaction charges cross border etc.

The abundant of paperwork and other such issues are time consuming on a major level. The partnerships may cause even more problems especially if the other partner one is collaborating with is from another country.


ETI Tokens ICO ETI Retail
ICO sales pre commenced: 05/07/18
ICO sale pre ends: 05/15/18
ICO sales start: 05/25/18
ICO sale ends: 06/25/18
Coin symbol: ETI
Total supply of coins: 997,528,142 ETI
Number of coins in coinsale: 450,000,000 ETI

Eliminating Start Costs and Triggering Businesses

As already mentioned above, all the costs and complications associated with the start-up, made many dreams to be missed. EtherIn eliminates all legal, operational, and financial requirements to create a new startup. To start your company, all you need to do is select the first name, and you can set up your BL blockchainchain company.

Then you can add the founding members, and then start assigning roles to your team. As part of creating your team, EtherInc allows you to issue shares to your founding team, with a unique voice based on percentages. This allows you to freely distribute property rights without borders, which allows you to attract various experts to your company.

You can also specify how specific actions in your company will be launched or resolved, concluding smart contracts.In the case of cooperation, EtherInc offers a voting platform in which business owners can create a company proposal for voting.

The voting process is carried out in a very safe way, which can not be counterfeited. The received offers can then be entered into smart contracts, with payments triggered only after all conditions in the contract have been met.

Another well-known way that EtherInc intends to stimulate business to grow on its platform is to provide a new protocol for crowdfinding. Using smart token token contracts, you can raise funds for the development of your company from anywhere in the world.

Einc Token Road Map:

Q3 2017

● eInc DApp launched on Ethereum blockchain

● Launched - eInc organisation explorer

● EtherInc blockchain Research started

Feb 13, 2018

● Release of the EtherInc blockchain source code

● Launched 7 public EtherInc blockchain Mainnet nodes

● Launched 3 public EtherInc blockchain Ropsten nodes

Feb 24, 2018

● EtherInc Wallet launched

● EtherInc blockchain API (MAINNET) launched

● EtherInc blockchain API (ROPSTEN) launched

Feb 27, 2018

● EtherInc blockchain Network status (MAINNET) launched

● EtherInc blockchain Network status (ROPSTEN) launched

● eIncMeta Chrome extension launched

Mar 06, 2018

● EtherInc (ETI) Public mining started

● Some Mining Pool listed EtherInc

Q2 2018

● EtherInc Community building

● Coin sale started

Q3 2018

● EtherInc Exchange listing

● Partner with wallet providers to include ETI

● Invite startups to conduct ICO using EtherInc blockchain

Q4 2018

● eInc dApp Marketplace Launch

● eInc startup portal launch to select startups

based on community voting

● Development of eInc dApp for Marketplace will start, Like: DAICO, HR dApp, Payroll dApp

Q1 2019

● Diplomacy begins to partner with countries to get eInc organisations a legal status

Q2 2019

● eIncNS (eInc Name service / organisation registry) Launch

● eInc startup fund launch in collaboration with incubator programs globally

Q3 2019

● Research begin on new DAO models

Q4 2019

● Campigns to educate peoples about advantages of eInc Organisations

● Partnerships with universities to educate eInc organisation structure

More Information :

Website :
Whitepaper :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Medium :
Youtube :
My Bitcointalk profile:;u=1826813
enic wallet: 0xE0e21E43E57152535213F362fdc8E51A076c8E57

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