Minggu, 20 Mei 2018



Good afternoon dear friends. Today, every branch of the business has its shortcomings. For example, let's take logistics. Cargo transportation is a huge segment of the current market, especially in Russia. And it is true that many companies need shipping without exception. But what are the problems in the current freight market? Undoubtedly, the main problems are huge paper red tape, the presence of intermediaries, as well as non-transparency of transactions. For example, in the United States, the total losses, in the transport and logistics sector, from economic crimes range from $ 8 billion to $ 30 billion. And this is a very significant figure. How to be? And how to bring the trucking to a new level?
This was taken care of by the QUASA project team.
What is this project under such a beautiful name? The main objective of this project is the creation of logistics on the detachment using smart contracts and its own crypto currency. 
For today the market of a cargo transportation has such problems, as:
• Not transparency 
• Market chaos 
• Dividing between large regional companies, and not at the level of healthy competition, but according to their local rules.

Also, if we look at logistics in detail, it is not only the movement of the customer's cargo from point A to point B. This is a whole heap of information transfer and paper red tape. And how not to mention, about the payment ability of the customer? For, often it turns out that the goods are delivered, and the customer can not pay for delivery because of lack of funds. 
Of course, there is already a solution, which QUASA provides us. This is the use of blocking and smart contracts. And the truth is, this system will very much help the logistics market to reach a new level. 
The main task of the company is to improve the logistics market, so that its value, as little as possible affects the cost of goods in the store.
Therefore, it solves the following problems:
• Confidence issues. This problem is solved through the use of the block system, where all information is written down, which will be completely removed by no trust between the parties. smart-contract, which will be approved at the beginning of the shipment, will automatically perform a mutual settlement in accordance with the data stored in the blockchain. 
• Risks of hidden damage. Here, too, everything is fine, QUASA will track the location of the cargo and its condition using its GPS sensors. 
• The risk is not paying the cargo owner's ability. A solution was found in this area. QUASA will issue, according to modern technology DLT, personal licenses for suppliers. And in turn, the parties can verify this data.
• Currency and tax risks. Here the team solved the problem by creating its own virtual currency QuasaCoin, in which all payments will be made to exclude risks. 
• Insufficient insurance. The insurance will pass automatically and protect the cargo even from damage to it in consequence of the impact of force majeure. 
• And the main problem is information barriers and high market prices.
The client himself chooses the option of delivery, which he needs in relation to price, conditions and additional services. Also, the undoubted advantage of relatively low fees for services (2-3% versus 8-15% for ordinary forwarders and 10-25% for brokers) distinguishes QUASA from industry competitors.

Also, the company has developed a web site through which communication between the customer and the carrier will be conducted, as well as all other actions of bite cargo transportation, starting with the selection of the most profitable and cheap transportation offer, ending with reports.
As for the domestic currency QuasaCoin (QSA), they will be needed to pay for all services on the platform. With this, you will get a discount of 5-10%. This applies to services, both cargo transportation and consulting. Also, the owners of the currency, will have the right to vote and suggestions in the development of the service.
QUASA issues 241.750.000 QUA tokens 
The volume of attracted funds (ETH, USD) 61667 ETH = (18,500,000 USD at the rate of 300 USD / ETH)
Goals and revenues:
Stages of the project: 

It is possible to sum up. The project has quite high prospects and clear goals. Which can be embodied in a short time. And for this QUASA has an excellent and professional team.

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