Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Ecosystem of investments and earnings. BeEasy

The popularity of crypto currency is growing every day. On the basis of these assets, projects of a very different orientation are created on a daily basis. Among them there are also unmatched formats among the formats most familiar to most people. And this is the main problem that separates the bulk of people and the world of crypto-currency opportunities.

The solution of this problem was invented by the creators of the BeEasyproject . This startup is aimed at reducing the gap between people and projects based on crypto and locker.

The team of the creators of BeEasy is headed by A. Bespalov - he is the project manager with experience in investing more than 15 years. The technical director is N.Polikarpov. Department of Software Development is headed by Y. Dolgov. EasyTrade is under the control of E.Ryabukh. Also, the team includes software developers, marketing and sales managers, programmers, blockbuster developers and other specialists, without which the existence of the project would be impossible.

The Token of the BeEasy project is the ETKN token. The site is now actively offering a token and receiving an additional bonus of 10%.

The tokens comply with the ERC20 standard. The total number of tokens issued is 250,000.

During the ICO phase, the cost of 1 ETKN equals 0.02 BTC. After the end of ICO, the purchase of a token is possible through the EasyTrade service.

Tokens that are not sold during sales will be seized and destroyed. Additional release of tokens is not provided.

My bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1826813

ETH: 0x162b4862c2Aa74eB272974EdF91B754a57A5f01e

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