Rabu, 14 Februari 2018

Proyek Review Lina

What is Lina.review?
Lina.review is a platform for reviewing on Blockchain, utilizing this blockchain of conservation to produce the best transparency and create conditions for reviewers to benefit from providing quality reviews, as well as easily and directly interacting with users and providers of products or services that are completely incompatable trusted.

see the development in today's era that is more advanced and developed, as well as the digital world or commonly we call the world of the Internet, to market products that want to offer to consumers to receive quickly is through what many people do, namely the internet, through our site can market our products quickly without us face to face each other.
Lina.review is a platform for reviewing on Blockchain, leveraging blockchain immortality for accurate transparency results and creating conditions appropriate for reviewers to benefit from providing highly qualified objectives, easily connecting directly with users and product manufacturers.


By applying the Blockchain technology, Lina.review will address issues related to transparency and conservation of scores, as well as develop mechanisms to help users and experts gain benefits based on system development and quality of their reviews (through smart contracts)
Individuals or companies looking to build a review system on the Lina Blockchain Platform can easily do this. Free participation but Lina Platform will charge a fee based on activity on the system, ie traders' participation, advertising as well as the activity rating itself.


What makes Lina.review special?

The Review and Assessment results are completely transparent to the user and everyone can verify it.

Can not be manipulated
Rating and rating scores are decentralized so they can not be forged or manipulated by any third party.


33.33% of LINA created during Generic Token Event (300.000.000 Token) will be allocated to the General Contributor contributing BTC / ETH for the project. 66.67% LINA made upon Token Generation Event (600.000.000 Token) will be locked in Intelligent Contract which will be released annually for 10 years (60.000.000 Token per year). The token released will be distributed as follows: • 15% to the Lina Foundation to keep the Lina Platform running. • 15% will be made available to future stakeholders. 35% for Maids. • 35% to Token Large Token (which has> 1 million tokens).

Ads on Lina.review

Advertiser will use LINA token to advertise on the system. Ad revenue will be shared to participants with the following rates: (Note: numbers can be changed / configured)
Operating and administrative costs:
10% helpers: 50% depending on the industry. For example, if advertising revenue is mostly from car manufacturers, Maids in the car field will be distributed more. This does not mean that Maids in the field who have no advertising revenue will not be shared, only they are given a bit of a token.
Large Token Tokens: 40% - Large token holders (> 1 million tokens) will share 40% of ad revenue according to tokens percentages. Distribution of income will be held every 6 months.

Lina Platform

Some criteria
Lina.review has introduced a set of criteria applied to more than 20 fields ranging from technology products to medical services.

Gain Ability
Reviewers and Assistants (Experts) may obtain Lina tokens based on the quality of their contribution, which is assessed by the public.

Hybrid Architecture
Introducing hybrid architectural approaches, bridging between the public etereum chain (mainnet) and good scalable blockchain private transaction services.


For more information, please visit;

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