Senin, 26 Februari 2018

ICO Coinvest

Coinvest - Unique Decentralized Investment Trading Market for Cryptocurrencies

Investing in cryptocurrencies seems to be the trend. There are tons of coins, offering your myriad options for crypto investment. People want to discover unearthed gems. You ideally want to diversify your portfolio. It helps safeguard your funds against decline of one particular currency. You don’t want to be using multiple wallets. The maintenance of multiple wallets is an annoying headache. If you forget password to your wallets, there is little chance for recovery. You want to have one master account that manages all your investment in a single wallet. There is no all accommodating option for crypto trader yet.


That is the reason why we are obliged to introduce you to the Coinvest project. It allows you to store and manage all your crypto assets in one wallet under one single account. Even better, it allows you to keep them as one single coin. It describes itself as the first ever decentralized investment market for cryptocurrencies. You have a chance to be a part of the program. Through their ICO, you can purchase their ultimate token, the COIN. The project has been featured in Blockchain News, Coin Speaker, Cryptocoins News and BitCoinist already. The word is out there, if you failed to notice.

How it works?

Trading and withdrawing your investment on Coinvest is purely based on smart contracts. The platform works in a three step modus operandi without strict order. You can create your own mix of cryptocurrencies, which defines your portfolio. Based on smart contracts, you can either trade or withdraw investment directly to wallet. You earn COINs in the process. You can spend these COINs easily through your debit card account.

Comparisons with exchanges and investment funds:
Exchanges accept fiat currency, which Coinvest plans to do in future. Except for that, Coinvest does everything that exchanges and funds don’t. There is no third party or human interference, since smart contract dictate terms in this ecosystem. Coinvest lets you execute short selling and limit orders. You can trade index funds via funds as well as Coinvest. Coinvest is completely autonomous and decentralized.


How it benefits you?
Members accumulate COIN on every successful trade on Coinvest. For trade in your investment portfolios, you can earn COIN. You can get half the trading fee revenue when someone invests in your index fund. Value of COIN is going to be on the incline in future, thanks to future buybacks.
ICO details:

COIN is the official token for Coinvest. As far as current pricing goes, each COIN equals $0.70. The current presale is overbooked with more than 1500 contributors. The hard cap of $3 million was crossed thrice. The next presale is set for 16th February 2018. The current bonus of 25% alone has a money value of three-fourth of a million. The February presale will feature a decent bonus of 10$ throughout. It will effectively price COIN at 63 cents. COIN is an Ethereum based token of the ERC20 category. The total supply for the project is around 107 million tokens.

Important Links:
Please find the important links related to the project below and stay updated:


profile :;u=1826813

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