Senin, 26 Februari 2018

IQeon Decentralized Gaming PvP Platform

IQeon is a foundation that permits coordination of diversions, applications and administrations in light of insightful rivalry among clients, and also applications and administrations for inspiration.
IQeon is the primary stage where players can acquire cash on account of their insight and accomplishments. This will happen in view of the utilization of local cash in biological systems, which can be changed over once in a while into cryptographic money - IQeon tokens are issued in view of Ethereal blockchain.
IQeon tokens can be traded uninhibitedly on existing crypto stocks, or exchanged to paper cash to MasterCard.
The worldwide portable keen gaming market achieved 4.9 billion dollars.
As per inquire about by SurveyMonkey Intelligence in the field of gaming and portable applications, astute amusements and bewilder recreations take:
 The in front of the rest of the competition with the measure of time spent in the diversion, every dynamic client spends a normal of over 1 hour in a month.
 Third put among other diversion kinds with number of downloads.
 The third place with the quantity of dynamic clients.
Furthermore, see the diagram below for Ecosystems of IQeon are as per the following:
Road Maps:
The cause of IQeon stage thoughts. Improvement of ideas and marketable strategies.
Elaboration of IQeon stage lawful model in different purviews. Appealing speculation of $ 50,000. Improvement of gameplay mechanics. IQ Clash pilot application improvement for future stages.
Appealing venture of $ 300,000. IQ Clash OU organization enrollment. Group building
Attractions warning Development of IQeon taunt up stage. Specialized review
Improvement of IQeon biological community association display. Exchange request Agreement with accomplice banks. Advancement of IQ Clash API. Beginning from stage advancement. Begin the foundation of biological community (more than 30 accomplices).
Planning for ICO. Keen contract improvement for IQN token discharge. PreICO and ICO do. Proceed with stage advancement. Continuation of environment foundation (more than 100 accomplices).
Improvement of IQeon API IQeon web application advancement. Programming interface IQeon API and IQ Clash API testing. New IQ Clash application improvement. Rundown of IQN tokens on cryptographic money stock. Beginning from advertising efforts to attrac
Joining stage with Ethereal bar. Improvement of IQeon blockchain control subsystem. IQeon API reconciliation with accomplice applications Release of stage beta. Start advancement of IQeon wallet.
Dispatch of stage and IQeon wallets. MasterCard platinum card issues Continuity of dynamic promoting efforts to pull in end clients.
Assist biological community improvement (2000+ accomplices, 45+ IQ Clash applications, 2.5 million dynamic clients). Improvement of IQeon SDK.
IQeon SDK discharge The advancement of extra diversion mechanics. Accomplice engagement to grow new SDK-based applications.
Execution of AI innovation in IQeon API and IQeon SDK. The expansion of new mechanics utilizing AI to the rundown of diversion mechanics.
Advancement of diversion mechanics utilizing AR/VR innovation. Mix with IQeon API application for PS, Xbox, and so on.
Advance IQeon biological system improvement (10,000 accomplices, 150 IQ Clash applications, 15,000,000 dynamic clients).
IQeon Token
Token Type: ERC20
Image: IQN
Stage: Ethereum
Token Release: 10,000,000 IQN
Deals Token:
Pre-deal tokens
Beginning on 15, 2017 and finishing on the 24th, 2017 A satisfactory installment is ETH.
Number of tokens sold 500,000 token trade rates IQN 1 ETH = 700 IQEON and Minimal number of exchanges is 3 ETH.
Official Token Sales
Beginning from January 30, 2018 to March 13, 2018, Token buys can be paid by utilizing ETH, BTC, LTC. The most extreme accomplishment of the Authorized Sales is 20,000 ETH.
Number of tokens sold 6,500,000 with token swapping scale IQN 1 ETH = 325 IQEON and Minimal number of exchanges 0.1 The most extreme number of exchanges is boundless.
For more data on the off chance that you are intrigued to put resources into the Pre Sale and Sales of IQeon tokens, please observe the connection interface underneath:
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Authored by: NWOKO GOSPEL
Bitcoin talk Username: Colvis
Bitcoin url:;u=1826813;sa=forumProfile

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