Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

ICBitX ICO platform overview


KuBitX is one of the most advanced and robust cryptocurrency trading platforms designed to embrace the idea of Simplicity and Accessibility, empowering and educating people from all walks of life to embrace the technological revolution of Blockchain and invest in cryptocurrencies. Contained within the KuBitX ecosystem are the KuBitX Trade engines, the secure KuBitX wallets and an advanced Admin dashboard for regulating the activities within the Trade Exchange. By targeting the untapped, high potential demographics for their inclusion in the Cryptocurrency market, Their goal is to become one of the most diverse cryptocurrency marketplaces for buyers and sellers. kubitex aim to achieve this by developing a robust trade engine, providing regular banking services through Their Financial Service Providers and initiating an Ambassador program to spread awareness and adoption.

How kubitx different from other exchanges

Fiat deposit and withdrawal – Though cryptocurrencies are emerging as a means of exchange and store of value, fiat currencies still have a large share of domination as a medium of exchange. Thus, KuBitX with extended partnerships with payment services providers will assist users in fiat deposits and withdrawals.
Customer Support – KuBitX is being built keeping the community and users at the center. Thus, kubitx aim to offer 24hr online customer support to be at the service of their users consistently. A customer support hub to be set up using the Global Channel Team to support tailored customer engagement. KuBitX also plans a sizeable amount of its fund allocation towards strengthening its customer support
Processing Speeds – The above exchanges have an average processing speed of 1.4m transactions per second. KuBitX will start with transaction speeds of 12M + (million) per second with an aim to upgrade to even higher transactions per second milestones. This would be achieved by using Golang with the advanced architectural design
Ease of use – Not only kubitx are working hard to develop a user-friendly web interface for kubitx users, kubitx training platform will offer a seamless integration of the user with the overall framework of the exchange and its functionality. The training will consist of Beginner, Intermediate and Professional levels to allow a vast section of users to participate

The KuBitX ecosystem is effectively going to be one of the most comprehensive and compliant solutions for traders, partnering with the best trade engine experts having a broad industry experience. kubitx platform will redefine how exchanges operate and by attracting more traders via various product offerings, kubitx will expand the pool of participants by fostering greater market liquidity and thereby contributing to its overall growth
Here is Some features of Kubitx platform
HIGH SCALABILITY - kubitx platform is highly scalable, ready to accept new features to improve users trading experience.
LOW FEES - Kubitx platform is bringing competitive flat trading fees which will even be cheaper and more convenient by using KBX tokens
MINIMIZED RISK - multi-signature wallet and cold storage strategy will minimize the exposure of trader’s funds. kubitx have combined various strategies to secure the funds traded on kubitx platform
SECURE - kubitx have made an extensive benchmarking with the current platforms, which allowed us to take few steps ahead, plus security team comes from top organisations
ECOSYSTEM - As strong believers in peer to peer payment ecosystems, kubitx believe that traditional financial systems will eventually be replaced partly due to continuous broken trust, censorship and a growing enlightenment of the populace

The KuBitX team is composed of an extremely talented and experienced bunch of professionals with significant work experience from Fortune 500 companies and “Big Four” consultancy firms that have identified “Inclusion" and “Adoption” as the major pillars of growth for any Cryptocurrency marketplace. As a result of many brainstorming and ideating sessions, the team was able to come up with unique ideas such as an inbuilt Financial Services feature in addition to making the coin listing process convenient in terms of time and cost.


Ticker : KBX
Token Type : ERC20 (Ethereum)
Decimal : 18
Category/Algorithm : PoS
Total Supply : 500,000,000
Currencies Accepted : ETH
Soft Cap : 10.000 ETH
Hard Cap : 25.000 ETH
TGE Details
Seed Round: Ongoing. Ends 16 July, 2018.
Pre-Public Round: 16 July - 31 August, 2018
Public Round: TBC

If you intersted in Kubitx here is some usefull links

ETH: 0x162b4862c2Aa74eB272974EdF91B754a57A5f01e

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