Kamis, 21 Juni 2018


I welcome the Steemit community, in this post I would like to talk about Triggmine Project Marketing Marketing Expenditure Solutions, and for more details, proceed to the following discussion:

Triggmine is a combination of the AIdriven solution for e-mail marketing and AI-based block-block technology, which is emphasized by its seamless integration, ease of use, an experienced team and loyal partners. The result is an unprecedented ready-made solution to accelerate your business.

Problems that prevent SMEs from implementing e-marketing

Large companies already use extensive solutions to automate email marketing

to improve the efficiency and speed of operations, reduce the HR ratio and save resources. Nevertheless, they require significant expenses, often because of this approach, small and medium-sized enterprises choose. This can be explained by the following factors:

to improve the efficiency and speed of operations, reduce the HR ratio and save resources. Nevertheless, they require significant expenses, often because of this approach, small and medium-sized enterprises choose. This can be explained by the following factors:

Complex services. Most of the features offered by software solutions of consolidated marketing are not needed for the early stages of business development. Small businesses mainly use three marketing channels in their e-commerce efforts: e-mail distribution, retargeting and paid ads.

The raw tool. Simple tools available are primitive. They do not provide comprehensive solutions. They do not allow enterprises to fully reveal their potential.

Lack of time. Small business owners do not have enough time to thoroughly study the principles of email marketing, campaign management and content development. The entrepreneur plays a multifunctional role and is forced to immediately solve many tasks: inventory management, logistics, customer acquisition, finance, etc.

High price. The cost of integration is significant. SMEs can not spend a lot of money, especially in the early stages. In addition, they do not have the additional budget for hiring a marketing specialist or agency to integrate a full-fledged marketing solution. Small and medium-sized enterprises need automated solutions that simplify campaign management and increase their effectiveness. The ideal solution would be to allow SMEs to launch campaigns that increase profitability by pressing a single button, without the need to waste time on long-term integration, tedious adjustments and manual A / B testing.


The Triggmine team has created a truly intelligent system that not only automates the delivery of e-mail, but adapts to the ever-changing business parameters and individual characteristics of each customer. This is possible thanks to the technologies adopted in their solution: AI and blockchain.

What is an intelligent system?

Consider a very simple example: you visit an online store, register and add items to your shopping cart, and then decide to leave the site without completing the purchase. In ten minutes you will receive an email that offers a discount if you return and fill out the purchase. This letter is the product of a "trigger system". Based on simple rules, the trigger system takes into account simple actions "added to the cart" and "leaving the site," which together run an email message to track down the left-handed customer basket.

The intellectual system is designed to solve the same problem, although the actions that it can consider and respond to are much more complex. Such a system is based on data describing almost endless factors that affect customer buying behavior - such as individual socio-demographic characteristics, interaction history, degree of sensitivity to discounts, and interests in product categories. Just as a traditional marketing professional traditionally approaches his work, the intellectual system allows many of them to take into account the nuanced aspects of the context of each customer's purchase to create the optimal individual offer that will be most relevant for each specific client.

In fact, the intellectual system takes a collection of data on consumers and products, creates and conducts a campaign in real time and determines the optimal characteristics for proposals unique to each person, reflecting such things as:

The incentive structure (BOGO?% Discount?);
Proposed amount;
Sequence of e-mail;
Theme keywords;
Alternatives for creating e-mail tags;
Delivery time; and so on.

Now, instead of our example of a single buyer, imagine a simultaneous work with thousands of buyers and billions of simultaneous solutions. Optimizing custom mailing offers across the entire set of customers will be a cognitive complex to a level that goes beyond the capabilities of individual marketers, but can be quickly processed by an intelligent system.


No human intervention

Triggmine represents the next level of evolution in email marketing for a small and medium retailer. Users no longer need to manually configure endless lists, database segments and prepare mailing lists - all this is handled by the intelligent Triggmine system based on user data.

Self-learning application

All you need to do is connect your store to the Triggmine application. one day

An integrated system analyzes your unique business, customers, and transaction history to offer optimal campaign scenarios.

Personal contact

Depending on the user's behavior, the system will apply measures for each user, analyzing the reasons for their behavior and their responses to incentives. We call this the "aggressiveness" of the campaign. This aggressiveness is applied to various stages of the life cycle and characteristics of a particular client.

The optimal success in business provided to every unique store

Triggmine helps each client maximize their client points, starting with the first

to acquire constant loyalty. Helping small and medium-sized enterprises to optimize and

campaigns, Triggmine managed to achieve average sales of elevators by more than 30%.


There are three key product components


TRG will be created only during the sale of tokens. Thus, the value of the TRG offer will be fixed only after the end of the sale of the marker. Unsold tokens will be burned after the sale of the token, and no additional tokens will be created. The initial distribution of TRG is as follows:

Pre-sale (6 pm UTC on 16 April - 30 April 2018)

Triggamine Token: 30,000,000 Triggeman Tokens (3,000 ETH)

Crypto-currency is accepted: ETH

Cost of the token: 1000 TRG = 0,1 ETH

Minimum purchase amount: 0.1 ETH

Number of tokens per person: unlimited

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH

Maximum transaction amount: unlimited

Public sale (6 pm UTC June 11 - July 11, 2018)

Trigmine token: 150,000,000 Triggeman Tokens (15,000 ETH)

Cards accepted: ETH, BTC

Number of tokens per person: limited

Minimum transaction amount in Ethereum: 0.1 ETH

The minimum amount of transaction in bitcoin: 100 tokens Triggmine

Maximum Transaction Amount: Limited

All received from the sale of TRG, will be used as follows:


For more information and participation in social networks Triggmine, please follow the links below: 

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