Senin, 25 Juni 2018


Playing online games is one of the most popular entertainment, not just for teens. The online games industry, which has huge investments in virtual and augmented reality and increases the availability of downloadable content, keeps players away. According to Nielsen, the percentage of players among the population aged 13 years and over is almost 64% by 2016. Thus, when playing games is a very popular activity, it is natural to find a way to earn money from him. Fortunately, there are interesting options.

Playing or testing games

This is a job in which large companies hire experienced players to test the game before the release. Testers follow certain recommendations given by the company and provide reports on the failures and general experience of users. This work requires a certain level of skill and skill. According to the article "Work at Home", companies use to search for players around their headquarters, but now remote testing is also becoming popular.

Mining sign

The problems associated with buying applications and aspects of security in an online game have forced many users and developers to seek blockchain technology for solutions. Companies like SGame Pro ™, the aggregator of mobile games based on blockbuster, are increasing their monetary benefits to developers and gaming players through their platforms.

They created a useful protocol called Proof-of-Play, which mimics the experience of mining, rewarding players for the time and effort they spend on the blockchain platform. The founder and CEO of SGame Pro ™ Gip Katrino said: "Our platform turns a single-player mobile game into a multiplayer game that not only improves the gameplay, but also rewards players in the form of SGM tokens that can be used in all games on the platform, and also buy goods from our Marketplace. "

YouTube Videos

Record video gamers who play a popular game, and then posting them on YouTube, today is a popular source of gaming revenue. According to the Ipsos study, 56% of YouTube gamers say that the platform is the most viable place to connect to the gaming community, says the article on Think with Google. But remember that YouTube monetizes only videos that offer educational steps and educational comments. Gamers can not just put a video from those who secretly play the game and expects to earn money on it. In fact, influential social media can make a big difference by developing gaming and gaming platforms, getting revenue from their advertising activities.

Rollover strategy

Other social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter Periscope, are developing strategies to create their image as a platform for professional gamers and game enthusiasts. According to the article on Recode, "rollover" is a strategy in the gaming industry, where people who watch live broadcasts of their favorite gamers can also send their money in recognition. Facebook also offers paid offers, as well as the ability to receive donations from fans.

Write a game blog

This may seem like a protracted process, but it can be useful. This helps establish trust in the gaming community. Web sites are also monetized using tools such as Google Adsense, which help strategically place ads and earn revenue through impressions and clicks.

Most ways to make money are related to players they do not like. It is here that companies like SGame Pro ™ have a unique ecosystem.

The community and the SGame Pro ™ platform allow players to play games from the world's best publishers and simultaneously receive tokens, which they can then use in the publisher's digital store or for purchases in the game. For the first time new players are given a share of advertising revenue (ADV) generated by the game.

Here are the reviews that I present to you all in the search for information and knowledge of the SGame Pro ™ project that is currently being carried out by their team, if there is no explanation for this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for accurate and reliable information, you can directly talk with your founder or team by reference.

For more information and participation in social networks SGame Pro ™, please follow the following resources:


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