Jumat, 28 September 2018

Gambling and lottery site Neogame

As we understand from the title of the article, it will be about gambling. Many of you like to play cards, dominoes, billiards. In most cases, the game is of interest, but there is a certain category of people who love easy money. They like to play the same games, but for money. So over time, there was a gambling business, and founded it people who have money from such gambling people. I think everyone is guessing what problems exist now, given that many of you survived the 90s.

But dropping all the stereotypes of the past, let's turn to the present. Even now, having a gambling business control in many countries, the rules of the casino are adjusted so that there is a better chance of losing than winning. Otherwise, the casino simply simply went bankrupt, this deficiency is significant, but without it there was no gambling business.
With lotteries the situation is different, but nevertheless more than 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales go to the organizers' cash desk, the rest is distributed among the winners.
Many people perfectly understand the problem, but they are not going to solve it by banal "banning" and "shutting down", but offering honest rules of the game. One of these is the Neogame project team. They are developing the site, where the main concept is the transition to a non-profit model of gambling. The basis of the project is the technology of the distributed network. It will exclude intermediaries and third parties involved in the game. Due to this, the chance to win the jackpot is increased by 7 times, and the entire bank is distributed among the winners by 100%.

The project team, in addition to creating an honest gambling site, sets a social task. Now the problem of dependence on gambling is acute, even in medicine it is considered as a form of mental disorder. If gambling around the world goes to a non-profit model, the pursuit of dependent players will no longer make sense. Now let's look at how the Neogame platform works.
The lotteries work on Smart contracts from the Etherium. The system itself forms a bank depending on the number of tickets sold, and then, depending on the results of the game, the system automatically distributes funds among the winners.

As a lottery ticket, Neogame uses its own Ticket Tokens (TKT), as well as a prize fund is formed in them. The size of the jackpot depends on the rate of the tokens, but the system will be built in such a way that tokens will grow in price, and this will increase the size of the jackpot.

Well, the most important advantages, I have already said about it, is the lack of commissions and the distribution of the bank among the winners by 100%. This is a consequence of the fact that mediators are excluded. The network itself is anonymous, the winners will be able to withdraw the winnings immediately after the draw.

The Neogame network itself is built on the Blockade from the etherium using Smart contracts:
The Token Contract. Tokens TKT are built on the ERC20 protocol and are compatible with any wallets that support tokens from the Etherium. The main functions of the token are: a lottery ticket, a prize asset and a traded crypto activity. The number of tokens is initially limited and is equal to 500 million.
The contract of Krausdeyla. The formation of a bank of played funds is ensured by Cleudsley's Clever contract, ie, the collective collection of funds from the lottery participants. In Russian "obshchak." All collected funds are "frozen" until the minimum amount necessary for the drawing is collected. If this amount is not collected by the date of the lottery, then the funds will be sent back to the participants of the game.
is completely protected from human interference. It describes the logic of the game, its rules. This smart contract contains a random number generator. Based on the results of this work, the Lottery Contract distributes the winning funds among the winners. And the work of the generator and distribution of the winnings is transparent, and access to viewing the contents of the Contract is open to everyone.

The niche of gambling is very popular among the specialists on Blochein and cryptomir. She is very seductive and offers broad prospects for projects on this topic. But each project does not copy the previous one, moreover they are completely different. Only the principle of lottery is similar, but the process itself is very diverse. The problem of gambling and lotteries is acute, and the only solution to remove unscrupulous people from this market is to put this market on Block.

Of. website https://neogame.io
Technical paper https://neogame.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Neogame_en_10Sep18.pdf
Telegrams channel https://t.me/neogame_bounty
ANN https://bitcointalk.org /index.php?topic=4938669.msg44514681#msg44514681

BitcoinTalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1826813
ETH: 0x162b4862c2Aa74eB272974EdF91B754a57A5f01e

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